Tzedek Lab

Hearth of the Jewish Left

Tzedek Lab is a national multiracial network of political education trainers, organizers, spiritual leaders, and cultural workers, Jews and allies, established to build collective competency to better politicize, transform, and inspire the Jewish community into collective action against racism, antisemitism, and white supremacy.

Reference our library of articles, tools and resources for understanding and fighting antisemitism, racism, white supremacy and their intersections — written by Tzedek Lab members and comrades.

Learn more about network organizing theory and our vision for change through our purpose, outcomes, process and principles. 

New members join the Lab through an application process and participation in one of our immersive gatherings. Our next membership and gathering cycle is this summer, 2024.


Please reach out if you're interested in exploring Tzedek Lab.

We would be happy to connect you with a trainer, educator, organizer, or spiritual leader to support you and your community better understand and take action against antisemitism, white supremacy, white nationalism, and racism. Let's connect!