
1. Provide on-the-ground trainers, organizers, spiritual leaders and cultural workers with the teaching resources, political analysis, and communal support they need to effectively politicize, transform, and inspire the Jewish community towards accountable action.

2. Connect established and emerging trainers, organizers, spiritual leaders and cultural workers in personal relationship to allow for cross-pollination, reflection, assessment, and growth.

3. Build the competency of practitioners to move the Jewish community towards accountable, collective action/movement building against institutional white supremacy and white supremacist movements, for the safety and thriving of all people.


1. Jews and allies, political educators, organizers, spiritual leaders, and cultural workers have the tools, analysis, and support they need to effectively politicize, transform, and inspire the Jewish community towards collective, accountable action to dismantle racism, antisemitism, and white supremacy.

2. Jewish leaders receive wisdom from each other and build a community of authentic  interdependence, trust, reciprocity, and solidarity, that emanates throughout the community and beyond.

3. Jews are better equipped and supported to take on greater individual and institutional risk as part of accountable action.

4. The Jewish community is better educated and organized against institutional white supremacy and white supremacist movements.

1. National and Regional Convenings

Convene Jews and allies, trainers, organizers, spiritual leaders and cultural workers established and emerging, to share best organizing and training practices, train on effective political education modules, and wrestle productively with the biggest questions facing practitioners in the field today. Regional gatherings focus on delving deeper into the challenges of the work specific to region, and build on-going local energy, trust, reciprocity, and increasingly interdependent relationships.

2. Ongoing Communities of Practice

Facilitate monthly online gatherings based on roles individuals hold in the movement as political educators, community organizers, spiritual leaders, and cultural workers to encourage cross-pollination, sharing learnings and challenges together, and backing one another. 

3. Race & Ethnicity-based Caucus Groups

Facilitate monthly online gatherings based on racial and ethnic identity to encourage trust building, story sharing, cross-pollination, sharing learnings and challenges together, and backing one another.

4. On-going Cross-Pollination

Support regular communication through an email listserv and virtual lab resource hub where members can share resources, questions, challenges and ideas.



Our work is strengthened through solidarity, not isolation.

We believe our liberation is bound up with each other, so our work can’t be for others; it has to be in partnership  with others.

We respect and honor each other. We trust one another, our inherent worth, and our wisdom.

We take seriously the wisdom that our unique stories and experiences give us and we believe that we and each other are inherently worthy of trust.   

We act boldly.

We show up, unapologetically, knowing our inherent worth and acting in/out this truth.

To lead is to listen.

We believe that our visionary work can remain relevant if we are committed to listening to our partners.

We can take care of us. That is okay to do.

We believe the work of liberation includes caring for and nurturing ourselves.