2024 Network Gathering

This year we will gather for a hybrid virtual & in person Network Gathering with regional crews to connect as a full network and deepen with TLers closest in geography to us. We will root in with local buds, feel the breadth of the full network, celebrate Shabbat, power map, scheme and dream together! 

For those who aren’t able to travel, we will also host some virtual space over the course of the weekend to cultivate connection across the full network.

What happens at a Tzedek Lab Network Gathering?

As a community of practitioners, we debrief action, training, leading and mobilization moments, cross-pollinate and learn from each other’s experiments, explore new connections and partnerships, and strategize together. We dig into analysis together, sharing insight about intersections and impacts of white supremacy, antisemitism, racism, and Islamophobia in the US and Israel/Palestine. We wrestle with barriers to building trust with one another and our allies, and invest in each other as family in this work. This year our gatherings will be in local hubs, in intimate crews of our regional neighbors, as well as a virtual component for those who can’t travel or aren’t in a hosting city. 

We are excited to bring together a mix of returning members along with a solid crew of new members. If you've been waiting to join or to invite people to join, now is the time!


The shape of each regional gathering is still forming, and the gathering in each location may look slightly different from each other. At this stage, we want to know if you can hold that weekend to attend any amount in person or at minimum if you can attend the Full Network Opening, Closing and member-led zoom sessions. 

Thurs Aug 15: Travel & arrive 

Fri Aug 16: For those in person, gather in person in regional hubs and zoom in to virtual Full Network Opening & Orientation from your regional hub or from home. We will gather virtually for the Full Network Opening & Orientation as well as member-led sessions before Shabbat. Opening & Orientation will take place 12-2pm ET/ 10-12pm PT, with member-led sessions to follow from 2:30-3:30ET/ 11:30-12:30PT and 3:45-4:45ET/ 12:45-1:45PT. 

Sat Aug 17: Spend Shabbat together in regional clusters or join for a virtual component

Sun Aug 18: Option to do in person activities in community (election organizing, anyone?), close out as a group and travel home

Mon Aug 19: Gather virtually for member-led sessions, Integration & Closing Full Network Call (on zoom). Member-led sessions will take place 11-11:45am ET/ 8-8:45am PT, 12-1ET/ 9-10PT, following by our Integration & Closing Full Network Call at 2-4pm ET/ 11-1pm PT. 

Who can attend? 

All existing members are welcome and encouraged to attend, and we also welcome a new round of members to join. To support the relational culture of Tzedek Lab we are committed to intentional fractal growth rather than rapid expansion. This means that we base the number of new members we grow each cycle by a maximum of 10% of our current members. In 2024, that is around 32 new members.

How are new members selected?

Our strategy is to grow intentionally and fractally, not fast and big. Our intention is to grow by a maximum of 10% each cycle, with a maximum of 25% of the Network Gathering being composed of new members. This year that means we have room to bring in about 32 new members.

We prioritize practitioners and long-haul leaders, people with marginalized identities who have been systematically kept out of structures of support (BIPOC, Sephardim and Mizrahim, poor and working class folks, and others), as well as individuals who are in isolated geographies.

Where will we stay and gather? 

Most folks in each location will be local, and we will support matching members coming in from nearby areas with local TL members who can host each other. Each regional hub will have an organizing team who will find a meeting place that makes sense for their group, depending on the group size and the local context and resources available. We’re mapping out locations and will share more details soon.

What are the costs and funds?

There will be a sliding scale individual registration fee which will go to provide a small budget for each region to use how they wish towards food, space, or materials and for small travel stipends for those who need them. If this is not within your means, no one will be turned away for lack of funds!

What’s Next?

~ If you are new to Tzedek Lab, and think this network could be a good fit for you, apply here by June 14th! New members will be confirmed in July. There is more information about membership in the FAQ below. 

~ If you are a member, it’s time to register and contribute to the planning! Are you excited to help gather your people? Lead something for Shabbat? Cook something delish? Host a buddy on your couch? Have another idea for something to contribute? Write to Helen to get scooped in.

Attending the 2024 Network Gathering means joining Tzedek Lab as a member. Learn more about Membership.

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